[. . . ] Register your product and get support at www. philips. com/welcome CAM200 User manual Philips Consumer Lifestyle HK-1152-CAM300WH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / Numéro du Rapport) Year 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Year in which the CE mark is affixed / Année au cours de laquelle le marquage CE a été apposé) EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE CE) We / Nous, PHILIPS CONSUMER LIFESTYLE B. V. (Name / Nom de l'entreprise) TUSSENDIEPEN 4, 9206 AD DRACHTEN, THE NETHERLANDS (address / adresse) Declare under our responsibility that the electrical product(s): (Déclarons sous notre propre responsabilité que le(s) produit(s) électrique(s):) PHILIPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (brand name, nom de la marque) CAM200WH/00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Type version or model, référence ou modèle) Digital Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (product description, description du produit) To which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following harmonized standards: (Auquel cette déclaration se rapporte, est conforme aux normes harmonisées suivantes) (title, number and date of issue of the standard / titre, numéro et date de parution de la norme) EN60950-1:2006+A11:2009 EN55022:2006+A1:2007 EN61000-3-3:2008 EN301489-1 V1. 8. 1 :2008 EN300328 V1. 7. 1:2006 Following the provisions of : EN55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 EN61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009 EN301489-17 V2. 1. 1 : 2009 EN62311:2008 (Conformément aux exigences essentielles et autres dispositions pertinentes de:) 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive) 2006/95/EC (Low Voltage Directive) 2004/108/EC (EMC Directive) And are produced under a quality scheme at least in conformity with ISO 9001 or CENELEC Permanent Documents (Et sont fabriqués conformément à une qualité au moins conforme à la norme ISO 9001 ou aux Documents Permanents CENELEC) PHOENIX TESTLAB/0700 (L'Organisme Notifié) (Name and number/ nom et numéro) Notified Body Opinion (a effectué) (description of intervention / description de l'intervention) The Notified Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . performed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] You agree that you will not circumvent or attempt to circumvent any copy management system by any means. You agree that you will not decipher or attempt to decipher cryptographic keys or otherwise defeat or attempt to defeat any security features implemented in the Device or in the content streams. You agree that you will not use WKH 'HYLFH IRU DQ\ XQDXWKRUL]HG SXUSRVH RU LQ FRQWUDYHQWLRQ RI DQ\ ODZ RU UHJXODWLRQ Disclaimers Regarding Content The streams of content which are accessible through your Device are not controlled or programmed by Philips. Think of your Device (in addition to its other features) as a form of "tuner" which allows you to receive the content broadcast by many others outside of your local area. Since the content is provided by others, PHILIPS HAS NO EDITORIAL CONTROL OVER ANY OF THAT CONTENT RECEIVED THROUGH YOUR DEVICE AND, THEREFORE IS NOT LIABLE FOR CONTENT OR ITS NATURE OR DELIVERY. PHILIPS DOES NOT ENDORSE ANY OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN ANY CONTENT RECEIVED THROUGH YOUR DEVICE. PHILIPS DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE TRUTHFULNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, COMPLETENESS OR TIMELINESS OF CONTENT. YOU AGREE THAT ANY RELIANCE ON CONTENT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. 21 Limitations on Access to Streams. Philips does not guarantee access to any particular stream or to the content contained in any stream. 3KLOLSV PD\ LQ LWV GLVFUHWLRQ DGG RU UHPRYH DFFHVV WR DQ\ VSHFLÀF VWUHDP RU FRQWHQW DW DQ\ WLPH 6RPH streams are accessible through arrangements with online service providers which determine which streams are listed on their directories. Although Philips will strive to provide a good selection of online VHUYLFH SURYLGHUV 3KLOLSV GRHV QRW JXDUDQWHH FRQWLQXHG DFFHVV WR DQ\ VSHFLÀF RQOLQH VHUYLFH SURYLGHU 3KLOLSV PD\ LQ LWV GLVFUHWLRQ DGG RU UHPRYH DFFHVV WR DQ\ VSHFLÀF RQOLQH VHUYLFH SURYLGHU Rights in Content Content may be protected by copyright laws or other intellectual property or proprietary laws. In some situations, such as use of the Device in a commercial environment, it may be necessary for you WR REWDLQ DW \RXU RZQ ULVN D OLFHQVH RU RWKHU DXWKRUL]DWLRQ WR XVH VXFK FRQWHQW <RX DJUHH WKDW LQ WKH HYHQW VXFK D OLFHQVH RU DXWKRUL]DWLRQ LV QHFHVVDU\ LW LV \RXU UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WR REWDLQ DQ\ VXFK OLFHQVH RU DXWKRUL]DWLRQ <RX DJUHH WKDW \RX DUH VROHO\ OLDEOH IRU DQ\ GDPDJHV \RX PD\ LQFXU UHVXOWLQJ IURP \RXU IDLOXUH WR REWDLQ WKH SURSHU OLFHQVH RU DXWKRUL]DWLRQ IRU XVH RI WKH FRQWHQW DFFHVVLEOH WKURXJK WKH Device. You agree that Philips will have no liability to you with regard to your use of the content. Changes in Features Philips may, in its discretion, change the features of the Device, including adding features to, or removing features from, the Device. Some new features may require changes to these Terms and Conditions of Use. Your use of those new features will constitute your agreement to the revised Terms and Conditions of Use. Software and Intellectual Property Rights You may need to use certain software programs to use or have full access to certain features of the Device. You received certain software with the purchase of the Device and may receive other software from time to time in the future. Most of that software is contained in the Device and is not accessible to you. Some of that software is owned by Philips and some is owned by others. Your use of software owned by Philips is subject to these Terms and Conditions of Use and any applicable license agreement. Your use of software owned by others is governed by their applicable license agreements. [. . . ] L'enregistrement de l'appareil tient lieu d'accord, vous lie aux SUpVHQWHV FRQGLWLRQV G·XWLOLVDWLRQ HW YRXV GRQQH DFFqV j FHV IRQFWLRQQDOLWpV 6L YRXV Q·DFFHSWH] SDV FHV FRQGLWLRQV G·XWLOLVDWLRQ YRXV SRXYH] UHWRXUQHU O·DSSDUHLO DX SRLQW GH YHQWH /HV SUpVHQWHV FRQGLWLRQV G·XWLOLVDWLRQ FRPSOqWHQW VDQV OHV UHPSODFHU WRXWHV OHV FRQGLWLRQV RX FODXVHV GH QRQUHVSRQVDELOLWp DFFRPSDJQDQW O·DSSDUHLO j O·DFKDW &HV FRQGLWLRQV HW FODXVHV FRQVHUYHQW OHXU IRUFH H[pFXWRLUH &RQGLWLRQV UHTXLVHV SRXU O·HQUHJLVWUHPHQW 9RXV DYH] DQV DX PRLQV G·DVVXPH] OD UHVSRQVDELOLWp GH FHWWH FRQGLWLRQV G·XVDJH 6L YRXV DYH] PRLQV TXH DQV YRXV Q·DYH] SDV OH GURLW GH YRXV HQUHJLVWUH] i PRLQV TXH YRV SDUHQWV RX YRV JDUGLHQV légitimes assume la responsabilité de cette conditions d'usage. Votre enregistrement représente que vous êtes 14 ans ou, si vous êtes moins que 14 ans, que votre parents ou votre gardiens légitime on DVVXPH] OD UHVSRQVDELOLWp GH FHWWH FRQGLWLRQV G·XVDJH 34 5HVWULFWLRQV UHODWLYHV j OD PRGLÀFDWLRQ GH O·DSSDUHLO /·DSSDUHLO GRQQH DFFqV j GHV ÁX[ GH FRQWHQX $ÀQ GH SRXYRLU DFFpGHU j FHV ÁX[ GH FRQWHQX YLD O·DSSDUHLO YRXV YRXV HQJDJH] j QH SDV IDOVLÀHU PRGLÀHU RX WHQWHU GH PRGLÀHU O·DSSDUHLO G·DXFXQH PDQLqUH TXH FH VRLW \ FRPSULV SDU O·XWLOLVDWLRQ G·XQ ORJLFLHO RX OD GpJUDGDWLRQ SK\VLTXH GH O·DSSDUHLO 9RXV DFFHSWH] GH QH SDV FRQWRXUQHU RX WHQWHU GH FRQWRXUQHU OHV SURFpGpV WHFKQRORJLTXHV XWLOLVpV SRXU FRQWU{OHU O·DFFqV RX OHV GURLWV G·DFFqV DX[ FRQWHQXV 9RXV FRQVHQWH] j QH SDV HQWUDYHU RX WHQWHU G·HQWUDYHU OH IRQFWLRQQHPHQW GHV V\VWqPHV GH JHVWLRQ GH FRSLH SDU TXHOTXH PR\HQ TXH FH VRLW 9RXV YRXV HQJDJH] j QH SDV GpFKLIIUHU RX WHQWHU GH GpFKLIIUHU OHV FOpV GH FKLIIUHPHQW HW j QH SDV GpMRXHU RX WHQWHU GH GpMRXHU OHV IRQFWLRQV GH VpFXULWp GH O·DSSDUHLO RX GHV ÁX[ GH FRQWHQX 9RXV DFFHSWH] GH QH SDV XWLOLVHU O·DSSDUHLO j GHV ÀQV QRQ DXWRULVpHV RX FRQWUDLUHV DX[ ORLV HW UpJOHPHQWDWLRQV HQ YLJXHXU Non-responsabilité par rapport au contenu /HV ÁX[ GH FRQWHQX DFFHVVLEOHV YLD O·DSSDUHLO QH VRQW QL FRQWU{OpV QL SURJUDPPpV SDU 3KLOLSV , OV VRQW IRXUQLV SDU GHV WLHUV 2XWUH VHV DXWUHV IRQFWLRQQDOLWpV O·DSSDUHLO IDLW RIÀFH GH © WXQHU ª FH TXL YRXV SHUPHW GH UHFHYRLU GX FRQWHQX GLIIXVp SDU GH QRPEUHX[ WLHUV VLWXpV KRUV GH YRWUH ]RQH ORFDOH eWDQW donné que le contenu est fourni par des tiers, LA SOCIÉTÉ PHILIPS N'A AUCUN CONTRÔLE RÉDACTIONNEL SUR LE CONTENU REÇU AU MOYEN DE L'APPAREIL ET, PAR CONSÉQUENT, N'EST PAS RESPONSABLE DU CONTENU, DE LA NATURE DU CONTENU OU DE SA DIFFUSION. PHILIPS NE SOUTIENT EN AUCUNE FAÇON LES OPINIONS EXPRIMÉES DANS LES CONTENUS REÇUS VIA L'APPAREIL, QUELS QU'ILS SOIENT. PHILIPS NE GARANTIT PAS LA VÉRACITÉ, L'EXACTITUDE, LA FIABILITÉ, LA COMPLÉTUDE OU L'À-PROPOS DU CONTENU. [. . . ]